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06/30/22 01:24 PM #92    


Stanley O. Needham

I just want to say how much I enjoyed Jim Keller's account of his Honor Flight.  I had the privilege, prior to the pandemic, of joining a group of veterans who welcomed an Honor Flight home at the airport, forming an arch of American, Indiana, and all the service flags as the group exited the terminal.

My wife and I visited Washington D.C. in 2010 for Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally, and I had the same experience at the Vietnam Memorial that Jim describes.  I found Steve Weiss's name as well as Don Chaffin's (Forest Parkers will remember him).  Both were boyhood fishing buddies, and both made the ultimate sacrifice within a few months of each other.  Don quit school before graduating and joined the Marines, which is why many of you probably won't remember him.  Steve's funeral was on the same day that Carol and I were married, and I drove by McComb Funeral Home on Lake Avenue on the way to the church just as his flag-draped casket was being wheeled out the door into a waiting hearse.  After locating both of their names on "The Wall," I sat down on the grass and wept.  It's about as powerful an emotional moment as I have ever experienced.  I'm sure Jim can relate.

Jim, thank you for your service, my friend.

Stan Needham


07/01/22 10:41 AM #93    


Patricia A. Lewton (Horoho)

Thank you Stan for your kind words to Jim.  I too was moved by Jim's post when I read  it.

07/01/22 02:07 PM #94    


Thomas W. (Tom) Snyder

I along with Stan and Patricia and many others, I am sure, enjoyed Jim Keller's account of his Honor Flight.  I appreciate all the detail of his Honor Flight that made me feel like I was almost there along with him.  I and many others in Northeast Indiana are on the waiting list to experience an Honor Flight.  I look forward to the experience!  Thanks again Jim for sharing the experience with us!

07/11/22 07:39 PM #95    


Steven B Doan

Jim Keller, I enjoyed our conversation so much last October 22, when we had a chance to share Army and Vietnam memories together. But reading your Honor Flight account was both moving and fitting. There was such closure and peace in you, and the pure joy of having loved ones with you made it even sweeter. Jim, you deserved it 10 times over. You don't brag about your service, but what you achieved and what you did in the face of criticism and division in our nation spoke volumes to all of us about your character and love of country.

Dear Classmates, as we contemplate gathering once more in 2023, I confess these moments take on a sacred quality for me. I care little about your background, your politics or religion, your station in life, or even the great things you have accomplished. Because in the end, we have the precious memories of our years together growing into the men and women we are now. From learner permits to great-grandchildren is such a short step. From sweet love to crushing loss is briefer still.

For those who administer the site, you are my heroes. And for all who stay connected through this and let us know how you are and what is going on, I am grateful. To borrow (rather badly) from Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca, we'll always have North Side. I find immense comfort in that. 

Blessings, Steve Doan

07/12/22 11:40 AM #96    

Sandra A. Axson (Bubb)


07/12/22 12:32 PM #97    


Stephen S. Heine

I would like to thank James Keller for his wonderful  description of his trip to Washington and tour of the the war memorials. The explanation was beautiful and exact and so heart warming. As a veteran I was close to tears and would like to offer my sincere thank you for his article.

11/07/22 10:11 AM #98    


Stephen S. Heine

Remember we have another reunion( 60th) and I hope all of you consider joining us for a delightful evening at The Hilton on Friday and Pine Valley on Saturday. This will be a fantastic evening and I hope you all join us fro a festive time. Check on the dates because I'm not going to tell you and they can be found on this web site.

11/29/22 01:34 PM #99    


Stephen S. Heine

Happy Birthday to all my fellow Redskins and hope to see  you at the 60th reunion.

08/03/23 12:40 PM #100    


Stephen S. Heine

As soon as the 60th is over I will be scheduling another event so stay close my friends

08/21/23 11:12 AM #101    


Richard (Rich) Franck

Dear classmates,

I don't know where to begin.  I guess I have to begin with a huge thank you to the reunion committee for such a wonderfully put-together event this weekend.  But even ahead of that, I have to say thank you to the group that "found" me and worked so hard to find so many other lost souls from our class.  I have to say a special thank you to Patty Lydy, because hers was the sweet voice on the other end of the phone the day I was found.  After 60 years of having had no connection to the class, for whatever reason, I was stunned and am now so grateful.  I'm sorry for all the years I've missed being a part of you.


I found time to speak with many of you over ther weekend, but of course, it was almost impossible to catch up with everybody.  For those with whom I didn't have that chance, I'm sorry I didn't, because I found the class to be one big happy family of which I'm so thankful to be a part.  Thanks to each of you for being and remainng who you are.  I can't wait for the next one (Steve).  My heart is full of joy for all we experienced together this weekend and through those school years ot North Side.  Thank you!  Rich Franck

09/05/23 09:34 AM #102    


Susan K. Housholder (Johnson)

It's been more than two weeks now since many of us gathered to celebrate our sixtieth class reunion here in Fort Wayne.  I thought someone would have written about this event already, but since time has passed and nothing has been added here, I can't resist. 

Many of us spent two evenings together, reacquainting ourselves, reminiscing our youth, and catching up on years and years of days since we have seen or spoken to one another.  Friday evening we met in the elegant and spacious ballroom of a new north-side Hilton hotel.  It was noisy and the air was crisp with excitement as we ate and drank our way through gathered groups and toward a 10:00 P.M. bell.  Now here is a funny thing to share with you.  The committee initially planned the evening and announced it to all in our first invitation - way back when - last fall or winter - as ending at 10:00 P.M.  Somehow, however, the Hilton had us scheculed in the room until 11:00.  As the evening wore on, and all of us being "seniors" (only of a different ilk this time), we began to look at our watches, and several questioned how we were going to keep the party going until 11:00 P.M.  Well, we didn't - at 10:00 P.M. we suddenly announced that the party was over - and all who remained sighed with a smile, a huge sigh of relief, and home we all went! 

Saturday evening we returned to the comfort and coziness of the Pine Valley Country Club - home of our fiftieth and fifty-fifth gatherings - all bright and beautiful and refreshed from a relaxed full day of rest.  Again, we hugged and laughed and drank and ate and rehashed and remembered - and let me just say this here and now - if you think you were not there, YOU ARE WRONG!  Your names were invoked, your smiles shone as brightly as any, and you lived among us to celebrate our shiney day under the Dome of North Side High School.  We brought you there, and it was wonderful to see you and hear of your adventures through others who have seen and talked with you, and to remember the wonderful and silly things we did as young people.  It was a glorious night for ALL of us.  Dr. Raymond Beights reminisced with us and we took pictures of those who attended elementary schools together.  We had two photographer there, taking photos all evening.  It was a truly lovely time.  We were all teenagers again for awhile.

It was bittersweet, too - because of course for many it may be the last time we see or speak with one another in this lifetime.  But that is the one special realization of the whole weekend - at least for me.  How blessed we were to be where we were in our youth, to have experienced the safe life we knew in those days, to have the kind of education we were privileged to have under the direction of our excellent educators.  Here we are in our late stages of life, looking back and grateful for those days in our lives in this blessed city and country - surely it was all meant to be as it was, and we are all richer in so many ways for being there. 

09/05/23 04:47 PM #103    

Susan M. Campetti (Mulligan)

Susie, very well stated. It was a time to remember and relish. Thank you to the committee for all their hard work planning this.

09/05/23 06:05 PM #104    


Steven B Doan

Susie Householder Johnson, thanks for your eloquent and  heartfelt response to our two nights of gathering and reminiscing--your words are spot-on! I have found myself at each reunion I've attended making new friends with folks I did not meet in high school and thinking afresh how beautiful is each person, if only we had the chance and time to connect--only connect, as Virginia Woolf urges us to do in "To The Lighthouse." Susie, you'll always be my friend on the bus to school lifting my spirits and helping me to sort out some of hte deep mysteries of life--and the joyus of rock n' roll!

And dear Susie Campetti Mulligan, I love your beautiful spirit that challenges each of us to embrace the goodness and the truth of things. 

Rich Franck, I wish we had a few more hours to talk, friend. Your story is really worth hearing. And I am grateful for the time we shared..  

09/06/23 11:06 AM #105    


Stanley O. Needham

Well said, Susie.  We DID grow up in a special time, and conversations at the 60th reunion showed that we have not forgotten those times and the life-long friendships they spawned.  As I was leaving Pine Valley Country Club I counted the nametags on the welcome table that went unclaimed.  23 classmates and/or spouses who paid and registered to attend were, for some reason or another, unable to attend, including several with whom I went all through elementary and high school with and hoped to see again.  I suspect that many of them had last-minute health problems that prevented their attendance; in fact I know of several that did.  I pray that their issues are temporary and their recovery is swift.

I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures, especially the group photos representing each of the elementary schools that fed into North Side.


09/18/23 11:01 AM #106    


Stephen S. Heine

What an absolutely wonderful reunion and so many thanks to the wonderful photographers. My thoughts are that this was the event that will last for years to come. Thank you to all my redskin classmates who made this possible.

09/20/23 11:04 AM #107    

Judith E. Schubert (Aiken)




I am sorry not to have sent this message sooner but want to reiterate everything Susie has already so eloquently posted.  I want to express my thanks to all the classmates who gave many hours of their time to plan our 60th reunion!  I know how much time and effort goes in to making events like this happen.  It was wonderful!

Not having seen anyone for 50 years, I was a bit hesitant about coming alone. It  was, however,  such a pleasure to reconnect with friends who, over the years, shared bus rides, classes, clubs, and events together.  They were the best of memories.  Although I was a late comer to the north side of Ft. Wayne, having arrived in my 7th grade year to attend St. Joe School, I met and got to know so many amazing classmates starting with that year.  I was surprised and gratified to know that I was remembered.  Our class was large and this weekend also gave me the chance to become acquainted with some classmates I had never known before at school. Everyone was so warm and welcoming!

I know if Jack had been able to attend, he would have been thrilled to see so many people dating back to his kindergarten years and shared stories of sports, teachers and, of course, Aiken's potato chips.  I want you all to know that I  shared your messages with him.  He was truly sorry not to be able to attend.

Thanks again to the committee and I hope to see many of you again!

Warm regards.,  Judi




09/23/23 01:55 PM #108    


Richard (Rich) Franck

Hello, everybody.  Pat and I just returned from several weeks doing mission work in Belize, distributing solar lighting and Bibles to some of the poorest of the poor in that country through a non-profit we became part of while we lived in Florida, so I'm just catching up on the messages.  Although I believe Susie may have missed my entry on 8/21, there is no one that could have captured our weekend better then she, and I add my thanks to you, Susie, for the beautiful and gentle way you captured and characterized the weekend.  I say again, I am so thankful for having been "found" so Pat and I could be there with all of you.  I get emotional evey time I read something about it.  I can't wait for the next one!  Last Blast, my foot!

Steve Doan, thanks for the sentiment. I totally agree.  It was great to catch up at least a little.

09/25/23 09:22 AM #109    

Cheryl L. Evers (Hohenbrink)

I did enjoy the 60th class reunion. I especially enjoyed seeing Judy Schubert Aiken. She was so much apart of the Kirkwood kids. We had such a good time as kids living in that neighborhood. It was a neighborhood that had good families and who cared about their neighbors. 

Thanks goes to all the people on the reunion committee. You did a great job ! I may not see many of you again but want to thank everyone for the wonderful memories of our youth. Wish you all good health and hopefully many new memories in the future. Take care, Cheryl Evers Hohenbrink

09/26/23 11:04 AM #110    

Judith E. Schubert (Aiken)

Cheryl, it was wonderful to see you, meet your husband, and hear about your family. I have shared stories of our neighborhood antics and fun with my kids many times and still smile just thinking about those days.  The years have treated you kindly and you are just as attractive as you were in high school!  We were so lucky to have such amazing friends and friendships in such a large class. To be able to reconnect and have conversations so easily after 60 years is a true blessing!  


12/14/23 01:12 PM #111    


Barry N. Donovan

Happy Birthday to all the youngsters with December Birthdays. May we all retain our youthful good looks for another year!

12/26/23 04:12 PM #112    


Stephen S. Heine

Happy Birthdaty to all who have a magic day about to arrive. Many more and please have a Happy New Year.

12/26/23 04:17 PM #113    


Stephen S. Heine

We are planning a luncheon at Sunrise Cafe on January 16th at 11:00. If you are interested please contact Mr. Heine at or 260-749-8737. Th restaurant is located at 10230 Coldwater Rd in Pine Valley Mall. Hope to see you there but please contact me so I can relay the count.

01/16/24 09:02 AM #114    


Stephen S. Heine

Happy Birthday to all  who birthdays in January. Please remember that although I'm ole and decreped I still am planning events so join us when you can and may you be blessed by our heavenly Father for a long time to come.

04/25/24 01:37 PM #115    


Thomas W. (Tom) Snyder

Yesterday, I was one of 83 veterans and their guardians that experianced Honor Flight # 46.  It was one of the most beautiful, amazing, memorable experiances of my life.  Our youngest son, Justin was my guardian, and we were part of Honor Flight Northeast Indiana to Washington DC for the day.  It was a very long day that started at 5am and ended around 10:30pm.  It concluded with a large welcoming home party at the Fort Wayne airport.  Jim Keller did a great job of explaining the amazing details several years ago.  I can't say enough about how wonderful the experience was and how great the Honor Flight staff was!  Thanks again for the memorable experience!               

Tom Snyder 

05/13/24 11:53 AM #116    


Stephen S. Heine

We are planning a trip to th Country Heritage Winery on June 18th at 12:30. Please join us as we now have a wonderful group to reminice. Please read the web site in acouple of days.

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